Benefits of A Home Sleep Apnea Study over In-Lab Testing

More than 936 million people worldwide have obstructive sleep apnea, according to a new study published in The Lancet Respiratory Medicine.

Key Takeaways:

  • Purpose of Sleep Apnea Tests
  • Polysomnography (In-Lab Sleep Study)
  • Home Sleep Apnea Test (HSAT)
  • Benefits of Home Sleep Apnea Test
  • Accuracy of Home Sleep Apnea Tests
  • Sleep Care Online Complete Care Package

More than 936 million people worldwide have obstructive sleep apnea, according to a new study published in The Lancet Respiratory Medicine.1 Noteworthy, this estimate is roughly 10 times higher than previously indicated by the World Health Organization. It further stresses the importance of screening, diagnosing, and treating individuals unknowingly suffering from this manageable condition. Left untreated, obstructive sleep apnea contributes to high blood pressure, stroke, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes.

Home Sleep Testing
Made Simple.

What is a Sleep Apnea Test?

A sleep apnea test determines if you have sleep apnea. The test monitors patterns of breathing while you sleep. Traditionally, sleep apnea tests were conducted in a lab in which the patient sleeps overnight, and is observed by technicians and sleep monitoring equipment. Now, a self test like the one sold by Sleep Care Online lets you receive a diagnosis in the comfort of your own home.

Types of Sleep Apnea Tests

If you or your doctor thinks you might have sleep apnea, you can take either a polysomnography (in-lab test) or an at-home test.

Polysomnography (In-lab Sleep Study)

Sleep tests are traditionally conducted in-house at sleep clinics across the country. How does it work?

Polysomnography records your brain waves, the oxygen level in your blood, heart rate, and breathing, as well as eye and leg movements during an overnight stay in a lab. Sleep doctors analyze the results of the test and make a diagnosis.

First, find a sleep clinic and schedule an appointment based on both your and the clinic’s availability. This can be a challenge.

On the night of the test, pack an overnight bag and come prepared to spend at least one night away from home in an unfamiliar setting.

A sleep technician will hook you up with electrodes and monitors in order to capture as much sleep data as possible. Note: Being away from home or in an unfamiliar bed may lead to an uncomfortable night of sleep. This, in turn, can impact the results of the sleep study.

As you fall into the deeper REM stage of sleep, the sleep technician will begin monitoring your brainwave activity to detect apneas (ie, pauses in breathing).

Sleep Apnea Self Test (Home Sleep Apnea Test)

The home sleep apnea test provides results without an overnight stay in a lab. The home test is mailed to your home. You follow the instructions for setup, like first taping it to your finger before bed and turning on the app before you fall asleep. Choose a night to take the test and submit the results for analysis. The next morning, your study data is ready for review. Sleep doctors will speak with you to discuss the results and possible treatment if necessary.

Benefits of a Home Sleep Apnea Test

There are many benefits to choosing a self test over an in-lab study. Sleep Care Online offers a simple, safe and affordable way to get tested for sleep disorders from the comfort of your home.


Because you are taking the test at home you are more comfortable and therefore are more likely to get results that represent your typical sleep behavior.


Home sleep apnea tests cost much less than in-lab studies as they do not require a facility or the support of technicians overnight. Sleep Care Online offers their home sleep test for $219.


You can take your home sleep study on your own time. Rather than trying to book appointments at a sleep lab, you simply choose a good time to take the test at home.

Faster Results

Your results are ready the next morning after your test. They are then automatically sent electronically through the cloud. And because your consultation is conducted by a telehealth visit, you can get results faster than an in-lab study.

How Can You Detect Sleep Apnea at Home?

Another option exists which is not only at least as effective but much more convenient. The benefits of a home sleep apnea test (HSAT) are that it can be completed at your convenience and in the comfort of your own bed.

More Information on our Complete Care Package

Are Home Sleep Apnea Tests Accurate?

In 2017, after extensive research, the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) endorsed the use of portable monitoring for qualified people. The results of an HSAT are accurate and satisfy the AASM requirements to determine whether a patient has sleep apnea and how severe the condition is.

What is Involved in the Sleep Care online Sleep Apnea Study That Makes it Different?

Sleep Care online’s Complete Care offers a comprehensive sleep diagnosis and treatment sleep care package. For a one-time fee, virtually meet with a healthcare practitioner in one-on-one consultations, take a home sleep apnea test in the comfort of your own bed, and receive a prescription for therapy—all without visiting a doctor’s office. Sleep Care online offers all the benefits of an in-person physician appointment and in-lab sleep study with none of the hassle. No rearranging your schedule to sit in a waiting room, no hidden fees or copays, no time off work, and no delays waiting for insurance approvals. Schedule your consultation and find out your test results in days. Our expert team will also help you order the equipment that best fits your needs and set you up with a sleep coach to ease the transition to sleep therapy.

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1. Have you previously been diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) via a sleep study?
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